creating change with one simple question
about bodyheart
The bodyheart campaign empowers people to celebrate their real beauty and fight back against the media and social norms that lead to poor body image. We believe our bodies are walking works of ART meant to be celebrated and cherished.
This powerful campaign begins a conversation about what you love about your body instead of what you hate. Our un-retouched images capture the truth — how beauty really does come in all shapes, sizes, ages and colors.
I’m a wife, rescue doggie-mama, and coach living in Los Angeles, CA.
As a former Broadway performer I’ve had my fair share of triumphs and disappointments. I’ve faced rejection, body-shaming and watched my patterns of perfection and comparison sabotage many steps along my path.
My life transformed while attending the University of Santa Monica (MA in Spiritual Psychology). It was here I connected with my truth and, very unintentionally, became a coach. I simply wanted to help other women feel good in their skin.
My work has evolved since leading my first workshop in the garage of my little yellow house. I’ve upleveled my body, money, marriage and partnership with Life, and I’ve had the honor of helping hundreds of people do the same. From owning a first home, joining the Peace Corps, experiencing greater intimacy in marriage, fundraising $1.7M, cracking six figures and beyond in business, forming a wellness center, to having more space, peace, joy, and fulfillment, my clients create miracles every day.
This site is an invitation—to slow down, to connect with your Wisdom and discover, live and trust your Truth.
Meet Amber
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view past campaigns

join the campaign
follow these steps:
Draw a heart on your favorite body part using liquid eye-liner.
Take a picture of it.
Open up your Instagram account.
Convert your image to black and white
Post it using #bodyheart and tag @amberkrzys.
Be sure to include your story—what do you love about that body part and why?
It takes more than a photo shoot to transform your relationship with your body. We know this, and that’s why Fierce Loving: For Your Body exists